What is a touchback in football?

Most often, people get confused about why the play has been stopped for no reason or what is a touchback in football. In this article, we will have a detailed discussion about touchback in football, the reasons behind it, and much more, so keep on reading this article to discover more interesting facts.

If you are interested in NFL matches, you must have seen that the play stops when an opponent player kicks the ball that lands into the other team’s territory; this is called touchback. Touchback is the term given to the return of a kickoff or punt from within the opponent’s territory. It does not result in any points scored for either team, but it does give the ball back to the opposing team at their original line of scrimmage.

More details about what is a touchback in football?

There are two conditions where the referee can call the game dead play. One is when an opposing team’s player kicks the ball so hard that it enters the territory of the defensive team’s end zone. In this condition, the offensive team is given a touchback, which means that the defensive team will have possession of the ball.

The second condition is when a player decides to maintain the possession of the ball after catching it in the end zone; however, in order to show the referee that you are willing to keep the control of the ball, it is essential to kneel on one knee. While doing so, the referee understands that the player is not willing to return the ball to the opponents.

these two are the prime conditions which should be kept in mind while learning about what is a touchback in football.


Along with learning about what is a touchback in football, it is also essential to know its length.

Initially, after receiving a touchback, the ball would have to be kept at 20 yards line before starting the game; however, later in 2012, NCAA changed the rule according to which the ball is now held at 25 yards line to continue the game.


As we have learned what is a touchback in football is, it’s time to know its benefits. Since touchbacks neither increase nor decrease either team, however, there are still some benefits, such as giving the offense team a chance to start its next drive at its 25-yard line, which is an essential benefit in the NFL. Furthermore, it keeps the defense on its toes and can help change momentum in a game. Additionally, touchbacks can lead to more efficient field position as the ball is returned to the kicking team closer to their end zone.


As we are learning about what is a touchback in football, there are specific scenarios where either of both teams can negate touchbacks before it takes place, and for that matter, the referees must call it a dead play. If the defensive player does not appeal to kneel on one knee or take the proper catch, then it won’t be a touchback, and the play will remain in the same flow. Secondly, once a ball carrier leaves the goal line, he cannot return to the end zone, or it will be termed a safety penalty. These rules are mentioned in the NFL rules book.


After defining “what is a touchback in football?” we came to know that it is a way to end a play and give the ball to the other team. It can happen when the ball is kicked or fumbled and goes out of bounds in the other team’s end zone. This gives the other team possession of the ball and can be a strategic move. Furthermore, there are some benefits of having a touchback, such as pressurizing opponents by planning more strategically. Psychologically threatening opponents and getting closer to the opponent’s end zones—moreover, neither increment nor decrement in the score of either team when a touchback takes place.

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