If you want to know about Rugby vs American football, then you can find all the relevant information in this article. So, to cut it short (explained in detail later), there are considerable differences between the two sports. Still, the most apparent differences include ball shape, number of players, equipment used by players and the central body part used for carrying the football.

Remember that Rugby has 15 players on each team who carry the ball to the opponent team’s goal line. In contradiction, American football teams consist of 11 players with unlimited substitutes, and the objective here is also (to score a point), but the rules are different.


Rugby vs American football has many other differences than those mentioned above, even though both sports require intensive energy and quick strategy making. In American football, the objective is to carry the ball to the opponent’s goal posts where the team can get different points, i.e., 6, 3, and 1 point. Players have to make multiple passes to reach the ball to the opponent’s goal post and make the score.

On the other hand, to score a point in Rugby, the objective is to kick the ball between goal posts, or players can simply place it on the opponent’s touchline.

When it comes to time length, Rugby is lengthier than football because there are two halves, each last for 40 minutes other than 10 minutes half time, whereas a football match consists of four quarters where each last for 15 minutes and a half time that takes place after 2nd quarter.


Rugby fields are more prominent than American football because the former is 120 yards long and 53.3 yards wider, whereas the latter fields are 100 yards longer and 76.5 yards wider. Furthermore, the rugby fields play area measures 100 yards, and the football play area measures 54.6 yards, respectively.

Other differences between Rugby vs American football are listed below.

Sr. nodifferencerugbyAmerican football
1Ball shape and sizeA prolate spheroid ball 11×22 inches L×W 0.875lbs weightprolate spheroid ball 7.8×23.5 in L×W 1lb weight
2No. of umpires3-64
3Player body size70-260 kg58-201.7 kg
4Protective gearmodest padding on Head, Shoulders, Collarbone etc.Helmet, protectors, leg padding.


As you know, both sports are vastly different from each other, so the rules of Rugby vs American football. The latter begins with a kick-off after both teams line up against each other. Each team is required to move the ball approximately 10 yards in four downs; if they fail to do this, another team gets the chance. When either of the two teams successfully moves the ball 10 yards in 4 downs, they receive 4 tries for further move the ball 10 yards with the primary objective of advancing the ball into the opponent’s end zone.

In Rugby, a team is divided into two sections of players, i.e., forwards and backs. Because forwards are big and robust, their role is to take the ball in possession and score points, whereas backs are smaller but quick and are responsible for taking possession of the ball from the opponent’s forwards and exploiting them.

The game begins with a kick-off where players run for ball possession, and once they get possession of the ball, they may either choose to run with it or pass it, whereas opponent players run behind the ball possessor to take the ball in their possession.

 Players can only ball possession in either tackles, scrummages, rucks, mauls, or lineouts; otherwise, it will be considered a foul.

Once a forward player crosses and touches the opponent’s goal line, they are awarded five scores (a try) with an opportunity of conversion that can give them two more points.

Finally, regarding the geography of Rugby vs American football, one can easily infer from the name that American football is played in America (north specifically). Similarly, Rugby is also played in America, but it’s more famous in other countries such as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other parts of Europe.


There are so many differences between Rugby vs American football, includes not only rules but also the geography of the game. Moreover, there are no clear-cut similarities, and one vague similarity is the field of play because it’s similar to that of soccer. Hopefully, you learned something new in this article.

Thank you for reading!

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