what are the clue character, rooms, rules? 

In this article, we will have a detailed discussion about the game, including clue characters, rooms, rules, and more. There are three to six players in the game that Anthony E. Pratt first devised in 1943; however, Waddingtons manufactured it in 1949 in the UK.

Primarily three objectives need to be achieved, i.e. who is the murderer, where was the murder attempted, and which weapon was used in the murder of the game’s victim. Each player tries to deduce the correct answers by strategically assuming the role of a suspect.


The clue game has been famously played by families where they strategically try to answer who is the murderer, where was the murder attempted, and which weapon was used in the murder. Remember, various rooms, characters, and weapons will be discussed later on.

In the recent version of the game, seven characters are listed below.

  • Mrs White
  • Mrs Peacock
  • Professor Plum
  • Colonel Mustard
  • Miss Scarlett
  • Reverend Green
  • Mr Boddy

Mrs White was named initially “Nurse White.” She was primarily a nurse, but later on, she was replaced with a cook. Mrs White toiled away in the mansion’s kitchen- a room where there is the possibility of the murder attempt. In 2016, her role was simultaneously updated to a domestic worker and a cook.

Mrs Peacock is a very honourable, graceful player in the game who gives orders in her presence in the room. Initially, she even wore a diadem to impose her royal-like look further.

Professor Plum is portrayed as a young intellectual who is an expert in solving crimes; however, he was changed to an Archaeologist.

Colonel Mustard is portrayed as a “great white hunter” who is highly dangerous with excellent military skills. Like some other players, Mustards role was also changed in newer versions.

Miss Scarlett is portrayed as the daughter of Mrs Peacock, who has attractive looks with blonde hair. In the US version of the game, she is portrayed as a brunette, whereas in the UK version, Scarlet is portrayed as an actress.

Reverend Green was the last one among the six players game version. He is depicted as the deputy of the bishop in a nearby village. Reverend is a young man who wore the white colour of a vicar. In the US, he was Mr Green, as they considered it inappropriate to involve him in a possible murder.

In the American version of the game Mr Boddy is the unfortunate victim in the game who was murdered in the mansion; moreover, he was also the owner of that mansion. On the other hand, this unfortunate victim was called Doctor Black in the English version of the gameThe only difference between these two characters is the name of the victim and the mansion.


In clue several characters are either completely replaced, or their roles are somewhat changed, similar to the case of Mrs White. Dr Orchid is the character who replaced White; moreover, she is the victim’s daughter and the mansion’s rightful heir.


The weapons used in this game for the murder of the mansion’s owner are listed below.

  • A knife
  • Revolver
  • Rope
  • Wrench
  • Candlestick
  • Lead pipe

These weapons in clue changed as the lead pipe, wrench, and revolver were replaced for poison, a trophy, and a dumbbell. In the game, the original weapons were a dagger, a rope, revolver, candlestick, spanner, and lead pipe.


There are nine rooms in the game that are listed below.

  • Ball Room
  • Billiard Room
  • Conservatory
  • Dining Room
  • Hall
  • Kitchen
  • Lounge
  • Library
  • Study  

There is an undisclosed passageway in each of these nine rooms where they connect the Lounge to the Conservatory and the kitchen to the study diagonally. When it comes to the game rooms, only one room has been replaced, i.e. previously there was a cellar whereas now it’s a dining room.


Before starting the game, each player has to choose one character except Mr Booby or Dr Black, then each player has to choose a colour that is in tune with their chosen character and place it on their nearest square to start the game.

Players’ turn comes in clockwise, whereas each player rolls the die to move to the next room. If a character or player happens to be in a room with a secret passageway, they can use that option to move to another room without rolling the die. Finally, the first player who makes the correct accusation wins the game.

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