In this article, we will find out how to break in a baseball glove and the importance of choosing the right glove before entering the field.
A glove that is comfortable and made of high-quality material can enhance your abilities on the field and give you, however, there is a hefty price that a baseball player has to pay for acquiring the best glove. But it’s the best investment a baseball player can make as it adds more efficiency to their play.
A baseball player can ensure that their gloves last longer by learning how to break in a baseball glove. Furthermore, it’s miserable that many people share incorrect information about the baseball gloves, which ultimately leads the players to choose the wrong one.
For a reason mentioned above, we will learn in a proper way how to break in a baseball glove and present facts that will make you understand which method is correct.
If you want to acquire new leather gloves, I support your opinion because you have begun taking your game to the next level. However, Leather gloves are pricey, but they last longer and are beneficial in making you more productive due to their quality of being highly comfortable.
Moreover, if you have ever experienced new leather gloves, you know they are as hard as a rock, and whenever you try to catch a ball, it will bounce back and affect your ability to see it. On the other hand synthetic gloves are much more elastic and do not create the effect of bounciness, then why should you use leather gloves?
Well, it’s an undeniable fact that leather gloves cannot stretch in the beginning and negatively affect your game. However, when you use them in 3 to 4 games, they will lose their stiffness and become stretchable, and I am sure that it is worth this effort since they last longer and are more comfortable than synthetic gloves. Furthermore, synthetic gloves may be comfortable initially, but they lose their comfort as you use them and do not last long.
As you are learning how to break in a baseball glove, know that hands’ size varies from player to player; for that matter, it is highly recommended to not let others wear your gloves. The reason behind this is the ability of leather to stretch, and when someone with a giant hand uses your leather, it will for sure stretch, ultimately decreasing your productivity.
Another pro tip for how to break in a baseball glove is to always use the same glove for catching the ball since time and practice will allow the glove to conform to your hand, changing the way the glove fits on your hand and giving you a pocket that’s ready for you to catch the ball.
If you want the best fitting, stick to the above tip because there are no shortcuts, and it works better than that; moreover, catching balls with your leather glove makes it more perfect, unlike synthetic gloves, which lose their expected life by catching balls.
The quickest way to get into a baseball glove is a straightforward process. However, I do not recommend it since it does ensure productivity and efficiency. But still, if you want to try it, follow the steps below.
Firstly get hot water in a tub and pour it on leather gloves but make sure that you do not run more hot water because it will lose its full shape, then get a hammer which has the form of a ball at the end to make a pocket in it and start hitting the glove where you want to have the pocket.
Before knowing how to break in a baseball glove, we learned that the best glove for baseball is a leather one. Subsequently, we found out that breaking in a baseball glove is a process that takes time and patience. The best way to break in a baseball glove is by using it; furthermore, by using the glove, it will form in the player’s hand. However, the quickest way to break in a baseball glove is using hot water and a millet. Pouring hot water on the glove will help soften the leather; after that, you can start hitting it with millet to form a pocket.
Thank you for reading!