Kenjutsu is a form of Japanese martial arts that uses swords and other bladed weapons. It is considered a classical martial art used for training and practice. Moreover, it has a very steep learning curve, which means it is not for faint-hearted people. At the same time, its roots meet with ancient Japan, a system of swordsmanship that uses cuts and thrusts to neutralize an opponent’s attacks. 

It means “the technique or method of the sword,” was developed in the 12th century and is considered the foundation of modern fencing. Today, it is practiced around the world by people of all ages and backgrounds.

As some people get confused between Kenjutsu and Kendo, this article will eradicate all the confusion between these two.


It is the Japanese art of swordsmanship that involves the use of a sword to strike an opponent with precise and powerful cuts. However, there are different styles of this martial art, each with its own set of techniques and principles. Below mentioned are the three main methods of learning it.

  • Watching a teacher performing
  • Practicing with a partner
  • Practicing with a dummy

Irrespective of the method you choose for practicing, choosing your weapon is the only thing that matters as a newbie. Experts use “Katana-a sharp sword”; however, as a rookie, students are trained with bamboo swords, also known as “Future Shinai,” to minimize the chances of serious injuries. Moreover, experts in this sport are called “Kinjutsuka.”

This martial art is still alive because it teaches life lessons such as discipline, balance, coordination, and self-confidence.


As mentioned earlier, it means “the technique or method of the sword,” whereas Kendo means “the way of the sword.”

The first one employs swords and other bladed weapons. In contrast, later one is an ancient fencing style that uses bamboo swords. There are many similarities between the two arts but also some significant differences. For example, Kenjutsu emphasizes cutting and stabbing techniques, while Kendo emphasizes blocking and dodging.

According to some martial arts experts, Kinjutsu is more focused on offense while Kendo is focused on defense. For that reason, most of the time, students start from Kendo and then shift towards Kinjutsu as they become experts.

To learn Kendo, one can start by practicing alone with dummies using “Fukuru Shinai” or wooden swords; on the other hand, it is essential to practice with a real sword to learn kenjutsu. You can also practice it with bamboo swords, which would resemble Kendo more. Techniques for both martial arts are more or less the same, but their outcomes are different. For example, one is used for offense while the other is used for defense.


The katana is the most popular word used in kenjutsu. It is an elegantly curved sword with a sharp edge on one side and a blunt edge on the other. Because it does not have a guard, it can be used more effectively in close combat.


Footwork in martial arts is an essential component that helps a practitioner avoid being countered and maintain control of the opponent. It is also a tool used to create openings for attacks. Moreover, there are various types of footwork, which their use can categorize: closing, pivoting, pushing, pulling, and trapping.


Kenjutsu is a Japanese martial art that uses a variety of blocks and strikes. Many different blocks can be used in it, including the teppo, nikajo, Uchi-Mata, and osoto-gari. Each block has its specific uses and benefits, so it’s essential to know which one is best for your opponent.


Martial artists know that many different strikes can be used in their art. These strikes can be categorized by the way they are delivered and the target they are hitting. Moreover, there are four main types of strikes: punching, kicking, slapping, and elbow. Each strike has its advantages and disadvantages, so martial artists must choose the strike that is most effective for the situation.


Learning Kenjutsu has many benefits. Not only does it teach discipline and focus, but it can also help improve self-defense skills. For these reasons, it is highly recommended that anyone looking for a physical and mental challenge should consider learning it.

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