Have you ever thought about how to spin a basketball on your finger? While spinning a basketball on your finger may seem challenging, it can be quickly done once you master the skill, but before, you must learn specific steps and follow the advice mentioned in this article.

To master how to spin a basketball on your finger, you first need to get a basketball for which you don’t need to rush to the market and purchase new basketball as the same task can also be done with an old one. Additionally, the exciting fact is that old balls are much better for spinning them on your finger since the groves are worn out, which makes it easier to maintain the balance on your finger.


Mentioned below are the steps to be followed before learning how to spin a basketball on your finger. Remember, these steps will only show you how to toss the ball properly, and then you will learn techniques of spinning the basketball with fingers.

  • Trimming nails

Before practicing spinning basketball on your finger, ensure that your nails are trimmed because it will stop you from balancing the ball on your fingertip; moreover, you can get your finger injured in case your nails are not trimmed.

  • Stretching

Have you ever experienced going to the gym for the first time? If yes, then you know how much pain it causes your body. The same is the case with learning basketball spinning with a finger, so first, make sure you stretch your fingers and arms numerous times for a couple of minutes to warm up your fingers; otherwise, you might suffer from severe finger pain.

  • Toss mastering 

Before tossing the ball, make sure you toss in a way that the grooves of the ball are in a vertical position; otherwise, you won’t find a precise spot on the ball for your finger to carry out the spinning process precisely. Now that you know about the position of the groove next, you need to stretch your elbow above your hip and hold the ball, and it should be right to the front of your face when your toss or spin the ball.

  • Flick hand and thumb

Before throwing the ball in the air, make sure you hold it from the downside using your finger, but if you choose to put the ball in your hand palm, it will slide away. So it’s better to grip the ball with the help of your fingertips. Moreover, you can guide the ball in which direction to go with your fingertips. Otherwise, it can tilt on a side or fall over.

  • Practice tossing

Now that you learned the basic steps for how to spin a basketball on your finger, it’s time to start practicing tossing the ball. Repeat tossing several times because the main task has yet to come, which requires excellent skills in tossing the ball properly.


Until now learned about how to grip the ball and throw/toss it, but here you will find out how to spin a basketball on your finger. So, first of all, make sure you do not toss the ball too high as it will become difficult for you to land it on your index finger, whereas keeping your hand closer to the ball while tossing in will help you land the ball gently on your finger.

The main trick in spinning the ball on your finger lies in the grooves and as mentioned earlier, make sure the point where the ball land on your fingertip is the grooves of the ball; otherwise, the ball will slip in another direction. So keep on practicing until you achieve the landing point where the grooves of the ball meet your finger, and it should take several tries as it’s not something that can be mastered on the first go.

When you toss the ball, it’s better to move your hand upward right behind the ball, and once the ball lands on your finger, you can slowly bring it down until your hand reaches a comfortable position. Once your hand is in a comfortable position, and the ball is spinning on your hand, you can use your other hand to increase the ball’s spin.

And now I congratulate you on learning how to spin a basketball on your finger. You are now ready so go get a basketball and start practicing. GOOD LUCK!

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