What size soccer ball for 6 year old

What size soccer ball for 6 year old?

As a beginner, what size soccer ball for 6 year old should be used? This question can be challenging to answer as the ball can vary depending on the child’s size and skill level. A ball that is too large may be too hard for the child to control and may cause them to lose control of the ball. Conversely, a ball that is too small may not have enough power and may be unable to bring the child to their best performance.

What size soccer ball for 6 year old
What size soccer ball for 6 year old

In this article, we will highlight the best ball sizes to help you what size soccer ball for 6 year old kid.

What size soccer ball for 6 year old: all standard sizes

The standard size for kids aged 6 is 3, which increases as the kid grows older. As we know, ball size is essential and should be chosen by keeping kids’ age in mind; otherwise, they will have difficulty playing with larger balls. For everyone, there are specific sizes that vary with age and now that we know what size soccer ball for 6 year old, let’s jump towards more relevant information.

A ball of size 3 is perfect for kids up to age 8; these balls weigh around 330 grams and can be lifted quite easily by kids under 8, while a ball size of 4 widely suits kids between 8 and 12 and weighs about 370 grams. These heavier balls are ideal for kids ages 8 to 12.

There are particular sizes for children of all ages, yet these can prove challenging for kids between eight and twelve to play with balls sizes either larger or lower than 4. Thus, it’s recommended for kids between eight and twelve to use balls of the same size.

The football size five is recommended for kids above 12 years of age. It weighs around 430 grams, a small weight for kids of this age group and is bigger than the football sizes 3 and 4. The pressure exerted by this football is around 11 psi and is the best option; otherwise, smaller or even larger ball sizes can negatively affect their performance.


Different types of soccer games are played, but what size soccer ball for 6 year old, depending on the location and the ball size. For example, mini football is a game that can play indoors or outdoors. The ball size for mini football is typically 4 inches in diameter. But if the kids are under 8, then 3 is the recommended size.

Another type of soccer game is beach football. This game is typically played on a beach or in a park, and the ball size is usually 5 inches in diameter. At the same time, the last type of soccer game is futsal football. This game is typically played on a field that is smaller in size than a traditional soccer field. The ball size for futsal football is usually 5 inches in diameter.



The ball sizes also depend upon the type of fields where football is played, but what size soccer ball for 6 year old is recommended according to the field size?

  1. 11-A-SIDE FIELD

Standard soccer balls for association football (soccer) games are typically size five and provide a good overall size for use with 11-a-side fields. May use a smaller ball for younger players or when playing in an indoor setting. A ball for this field comes with great bounce, friction and high elasticity, the perfect features of a ball for this field.


The 9-A-side field has bad turf and uses ball size 5 with a low bounce to easily control the ball. This makes it difficult for players to control their balls and creates a more complex playing field. However, using a ball with low bounciness can reduce the difficulty of controlling the ball.


Are you a fan of soccer but don’t know what size soccer ball for 6 year old? If so, then the 5-A-side field may be the perfect game for your kid! This game uses a ball size four but can also use a size three if a kid is under 8, with no bounce and more weight, making it easy to control. So if you’re looking for an exciting and challenging game that will keep you entertained, the 5-A-side field is the perfect option.

Thank you for reading!

Read this article: HOW LONG IS A SOCCER GAME?

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