When was basketball invented, and why?

The game of basketball is often viewed as an American pastime. But when was basketball invented? And why is it so captivating to watch?

Basketball was invented by a Canadian, Dr. James Naismith, who invented basketball in 1891; where he created the game to keep students, and they can play it indoors. Basketball is a unique sport because of its complexity. There are many ways to score, and players must be strategic to succeed. This makes the game both enjoyable and intriguing to watch.

Furthermore, basketball has come a long way since its inception. It has become one of the most popular sports in the world and, more specifically, in America, is enjoyed by people of all ages. Whether you’re an experienced player or just watching from the sidelines, basketball is a sport worth checking out.

When was basketball invented?

In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a physical education instructor at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, was looking for a new game to keep his male students occupied and out of trouble because mostly, they would get frustrated due to the unavailability of activities during winter. In response, the school had built an indoor gymnasium, and the students were getting bored because there were no outdoor activities to participate in during winter.

Dr. Naismith came up with an idea for a new game that would involve throwing a ball into a peach basket that was nailed to the wall. He wrote down the basic rules and principles for the game and called it “basketball.” He wrote an article and published it in a newspaper about this game. The article was named “A New Game.”

The basketball game uses a soccer ball, and two baskets for one of the two teams are placed ten feet above the ground. Moreover, there are 9 players on each basketball team.

With time, after when was basketball invented, these students became coaches and started teaching it to students in high schools. And it gradually became more popular among students, and boys and girls began playing it.

Changes to the rules were coming with time; for example, nets were added along with a backboard to keep the game fast and enticing. Furthermore, dribbling was introduced instead of just passing the ball, adding more joy to the game. Replaced a soccer ball with a new ball that had more bounciness and was easy to dribble.

With its popularity, many basketball teams were established, teams like Harlem Rens and Original Celtics started attracting a large crowd, and basketball became more popular in 1920. But its popularity rose to the sky when it was introduced to Olympics in 1936, where it was officially considered a popular sport.

Due to his amazing invention, Dr. Naismith became the hall of fame of basketball, and now, he is called the father of basketball. Whenever people ask when was basketball invented, the first thing that comes up is the name of Dr. Naismith, who is known as the father of basketball.

Basketball history and its timeline

As we know, when was basketball invented, let’s discuss some of the milestones in the history of basketball. After its invention in 1891, they played the first basketball in YMCA international training school, where there were two captains, one from each team, and a referee.

Today the number of basketball team players is five, and it was first decided in 1895; at that time, there were 9 players on each team.

In 1896, they played the first basketball game in college between the University of Chicago and Iowa, where the Chicago team was declared victorious with a score of 15-12. In the exact year, the first women’s match took place 

The first professional basketball league was founded in 1989, called National Basketball League; moreover, in 1939 NCAA took place.


Initially, 13 rules were created when was basketball invented, which Dr. Naismith devised; however, these rules were not created at once; on the contrary, it took time and c at different points to make them in time. Some of those rules are still applicable.


Finally, we know when was basketball invented, its history, its milestones, and much more. Basketball is a widely popular sport that originated in 1891. People of all genders and ages enjoy it. However, when it comes to professional games, there are terrific fields where basketball is played. I hope you have enjoyed learning about the history of basketball, and I encourage you to try playing the game yourself!

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